
Bio is better together

This is our chance to chat in person about anything and everything that’s relevant to the future of biotech. No PhDs or scientific background required - just wild curiosity.

About Events

We host a flagship summit every year in NYC, as well as local meetups across the country. Stay tuned for more international events to be announced.

why we’re hosting

It’s our chance to bring the biotech community together and provide a warm space for compelling conversation. Our hope is more innovation and serendipitous connection.

Our Events

We’re getting together in-person to decode together. If you’re bio-curious, you’re welcome.

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Is there a new development or company we should know about? Send us the scoop.

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Exciting new technology like AI is being rapidly deployed across every aspect of biology. We felt there ought to be a place to host thoughtful content and discussion. That’s this. This is that.